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How to choose the right keywords to increase website traffic?

The choice of keywords is an unstoppable step in the construction of your website while being a strategic step in SEO, which allows you to increase the income of your business. The more keywords you rank for, the more traffic you will attract to your website.

Today we find a global phenomenon where consumers almost systematically seek information online before calling on a service company or making a purchase. This buying habit is due to the ease of use of the internet but also to its gigantic database. This is why optimizing your SEO is essential. Your site needs to stand out from the billions of other sites out there and this is done through keyword optimization. However, it must also attract the right people to be effective, to do so, you must optimize your off-site SEO but also your on-site SEO.

We will start with on-site optimization which consists of optimizing the content of the website. To have a complete on-site optimization, an important work is to be done at the level of the choice of the keywords used for the title of the pages, in the descriptions of images, the content, etc. Nevertheless, one question remains essential:

How to choose the right keywords?

  • Branding & Design
  • SEO
  • Strategy
  • Web design
  • Web marketing

Put yourself in the shoes of our target and determine a specific request

When you start to choose the keywords you intend to use, it is imperative to put yourself in the shoes of your typical customer, to no longer be an expert in your field and to become a regular customer who wants to buy your product. .

Use the most common name to describe your product, for example if you are a beautician and you want to publicize your hair loss treatment, you will need to title your article with “Reduce hair loss” and not: “Limit alopecia” which is too complex and technical a term that the general public does not type spontaneously on the internet, and that, almost does not type these keywords on search engines. Another example, the word “corkscrew” for example will be more effective than the word “lemonade”.

To choose the right keyword and be sure that it is relevant, it is possible to use free tools such as Google Adwords or Yooda Insight. These tools will give you the volume of searches generated for the keyword that interests you. They will offer you a lot of information: the number of times the keyword was typed in the month, in which geographical area, in which language, etc. This data will therefore allow you to choose which key phrase or which keyword is the most appropriate to use for your activity.

Staying relevant

Being in the consumer’s shoes is fine, however, it shouldn’t be done by choosing an irrelevant keyword. People should find exactly what they are looking for on your site, they should not be misled.
A luxury leather goods store has no interest in choosing: “low-priced leather bag” when it only offers $500 designer bags. The effect caused would be that Internet users will flee the site if they only see overpriced bags when the basic search was to find a bag at a low price.

Your keywords must imperatively correspond to what you offer, and if you hesitate between two synonymous keywords, choose the one that generates the most volume.

Assess the competition

Differentiating yourself from your competitors by keywords can be complex, especially if you have many competitors and all have already positioned themselves on the same keyword, then it will be more difficult for you to distinguish yourself.

To do this, you can use Moz which is a tool to know the level of competition around a keyword. Namely, the higher the percentage of keyword difficulty, the more difficult it will be for you to rank among the first search results with this keyword, i.e. it is a keyword- key widely used by your competitors.

If you encounter a keyword with a high keywords difficulty, the solution is to find a compromise between search volume and the level of difficulty of the keyword. To do this, you can opt for a slightly less competitive keyword with which you can always distinguish yourself from your competitors.

If you are in this case, an on-site SEO optimization will not be enough, it will then be necessary to have an equally effective off-site SEO optimization.