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How to know if your website needs to be updated?

With the constant evolution of technologies, the monopoly of mobile devices and social networks, a company’s website is an essential tool for communication and visibility. It is therefore important to update it to guarantee its optimal presence on browsers.

  • Branding & Design
  • SEO
  • Strategy
  • Web design
  • Web marketing

Ask yourself the right questions

How old is the design of your website?

Statistically, in addition to having a website with interesting content, an important point that should not be overlooked is copyright. Often placed below the footer, it contains the rights of the company on its website. This can be the name of the company that designed the site and the year of creation. If this last information indicates that the website was made more than 6 years ago, it may repel the visitor or even lead him to wonder if the company is still in operation. It is therefore a good indicator that your website should be updated.

Is your website well referenced on Google?

The main purpose of a website is to give your business good online visibility. If Google is not able to find it, you have to review its strategy. SEO plays a major role in the SEO of a site. Google is constantly updating its traffic tracking and analysis tools. It is elementary to ensure that your website incorporates them. If you regularly maintain your website, your SEO will be positively impacted. Google is very receptive not only to quality content and the regularity of publications, but also to the security of your interface, loading speed and compatibility with mobile devices. These are important criteria for the SEO of your website.

Are you planning to integrate new features into your website soon?

If you are reading this article, you may want to add new features to your site, such as an online store, a chat bot, etc. All these technologies are quite recent and for better compatibility with your site it is often preferable to update it. In addition, if your site still uses Flash language, it cannot be used on Iphone and Ipad.

Is your site suitable for mobile and tablet use?

The importance of a responsive website is well established. Not only that, the number of Google searches made from a smartphone or tablet exceeds those made by computer. In addition, it is likely that the majority of users who visit your site via a mobile platform will abandon their search if the site is not responsive.

Here are some questions to ask yourself to check whether your site needs a second life or not. So you can start off on the right foot. If you realize that your website needs change, do not hesitate to contact us. Our web agency with a team of professionals will be happy to advise you on the best options for your business.